ChatGPT Generated September Goals

Me: What should a nonprofit be doing in September for the end of the year in 5 bullet points?


  1. Year-End Fundraising Strategy: Begin planning and refining your year-end fundraising strategy. Identify key fundraising campaigns, set fundraising goals, and create a timeline for sending out appeals, organizing events, and engaging donors. Consider leveraging holidays and #GivingTuesday, which usually falls in November, for targeted fundraising efforts.
  2. Donor Engagement and Stewardship: Reach out to your donors to express gratitude for their support throughout the year. Consider sending personalized thank-you notes, making phone calls, or hosting a donor appreciation event. Strong donor relationships can lead to increased giving and long-term support.
  3. Tax Planning and Receipts: Review your organization’s tax-related documentation and ensure that all donor receipts are accurate and up-to-date. Provide donors with the necessary documentation for their tax purposes. This is also a good time to communicate any changes in tax laws or regulations that might impact charitable giving.
  4. Impact Reporting: Compile data and stories that showcase the impact your nonprofit has made throughout the year. This can be used in your year-end appeals and reports to demonstrate how donors’ contributions have made a difference. Visual aids such as infographics or videos can make your impact more tangible.
  5. Budget Review and Planning: Evaluate your current budget and financial situation. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that you’re on track to meet your year-end financial goals. Plan for any expenses or projects that need to be completed before the end of the year and allocate resources accordingly.

Remember, these tasks should be tailored to your nonprofit’s specific goals, mission, and circumstances. Flexibility and adaptability are key as unforeseen events can arise.

Me: Thanks. can you make it more concise and make it funny.


Absolutely, let’s add a touch of humor to the nonprofit’s September to-do list:

  1. Fundraising Frenzy: Cook up a brilliant year-end fundraising plan. It’s like planning a Thanksgiving feast – but instead of turkeys, you’re roasting up some awesome donation campaigns.
  2. Donor Love Affair: Woo your donors like they’re your favorite rom-com characters. Send them sweet thank-you notes, make “just because” calls, and maybe even serenade them with your nonprofit’s theme song.
  3. Tax Tango: Get those receipts in order faster than you can say “tax deductions.” Make sure your supporters are as happy about their potential tax savings as they are about your cause.
  4. Impact Showtime: Put on a spectacular “Year in Review” show starring your nonprofit’s greatest hits. Think of it as your organization’s blockbuster movie premiere, complete with heartwarming stories and stats that make jaws drop.
  5. Budget Magic: Channel your inner financial wizard. Review your budget, make sure your numbers are spellbindingly accurate, and conjure up a plan that would make even Merlin proud.

Remember, a spoonful of humor can make even the most serious tasks go down easier!

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